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Citrus Fruits
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Inspiring Impactful Change

At Ballerina's of the Bayou powered by The Wellness Collective, we aim to make a lasting impact in the New Orleans community and beyond. Our initiatives and activities are designed to catalyze true transformation. But above all, passion is at the heart and soul of everything that we do.

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Packing Food in Boxes


Our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly in the actions of our initiatives. From the moment we started our work in 2000, we understood that by working together we could overcome our challenges much more efficiently, and that is why we ultimately decided to launch We strive to make a positive change in all of our pursuits.

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Furthering our cause is the most important goal of our organization. We seek to support, empower, and provide high quality resources to the San Francisco community. Our success isn’t measured in terms of wealth or profit margin, but by the value we provide to those we serve. Learn more about what we do below.

Hot Stew


Making Change Possible

Packing Food in Boxes


Empowering Others

Peeling Carrots


Transforming Lives

Fist Bump


Truly Top-Notch

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Fist Bump


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